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中英對照讀新聞》Trio of Ohio sisters give birth on same day at same hospital 俄亥俄州三姊妹同一天在同一家醫院生產

2020/12/03 05:30



Three Ohio sisters have defied odds by giving birth on the same day at the same hospital with the same obstetrician overseeing their deliveries.


Daneesha Haynes, Ariel Williams and Ashley Haynes gave birth on July 3 at OhioHealth Mansfield Hospital within a four-and-a-half-hour span.


A 1998 Associated Press story cited the odds of three sisters giving birth the same day as 1 in 50 million.


"It was a blessing," said Daneesha who was not due until July 23. Dr. Edroy McMillan delivered all three babies.


Ariel was the first to give birth that day, naming her 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter Sincere. Ashley followed with her 6 pound, 10 ounce son Adrion. Daneesha completed the trifecta with daughter Emrie, who weighed in at 4 pounds, 14 ounces.(AP)



defy odds:defy指違抗;odds指機率。Defy odds有做到不太可能做到之事的意思。例句:He has shown an attitude of defying odds.(他展現不向命運低頭的態度。)

obstetrician:名詞,產科醫師。例句:He is a well-known obstetrician all over the country.(他是全國知名的產科醫師。)

trifecta:名詞,三連勝。例句:He bought three scratch-off tickets and won a trifecta.(他買了3張刮刮樂,3張都中獎。)

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