中英對照讀新聞》Supreme Court upholds 17-year prison sentence for former President Lee/最高法院維持對前總統李明博17年刑期判決
The Supreme Court upheld Thursday an appeals court ruling that sentenced former President Lee Myung-bak to 17 years in prison, bringing his two-year court battle to a close.
The highest court also confirmed a fine of 13 million won and a forfeit of 5.78 billion won handed down to him by the appeals court in February. A statement from the judges read, "We do not find any fault in the lower court’s ruling," Thursday.
The former president was indicted in 2018 on 16 counts, including embezzlement linked to an auto parts company, DAS, and receiving bribes from Samsung Electronics through the company.
uphold:動詞,維(支)持、支撐、維護、贊成、舉起。例句:Judge upheld the appeals court’s decision.(法官維持上訴法院的判決。)
forfeit:名詞,喪失物、沒收物、罰金。例句:Her health was the forfeit.(她喪失了健康。)
hand down:片語,傳遞、公布判決(裁定、預算)。例句:The district court handed down a legal decision to him.(地方法院公布一項對他的判決。)
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