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中英對照讀新聞》Duterte aide defends dolphin swim in virus-hit Philippines 杜特蒂助理為自己在受病毒打擊的菲律賓與海豚同游辯護

2020/07/29 05:30



A top aide to the Philippines’ president has made waves after he swam with dolphins at a theme park, even as the country endures tough travel restrictions due to the coronavirus.


"I did not violate any regulation although I recognise that some people might have been offended by the pictures they saw," said Harry Roque, spokesman for Rodrigo Duterte, during a news conference.


"Swimming is now allowed because it’s a non-contact sport," he said, while also apologising for his behaviour.


"I did not party. I was alone - I was with four dolphins."


Roque, 53, told reporters someone had taken photos of him at Ocean Adventure without his knowledge. The photos were posted to the marine theme park’s Facebook page. They have been removed.


Twitter users criticised Roque for taking the trip during the coronavirus outbreak that has left many in the country jobless and devastated the economy. (AFP)



make waves:片語,造成爭議,引起話題或注意。例句:Our new products have made waves throughout the industry.(我們的新產品已在整個產業界掀起話題。)

devastate:動詞,摧毀或造成嚴重損害;使人難以承受、震驚。例句:She was devastated by the news of her husband’s death.(她丈夫的死訊給她帶來沉重打擊。)

party:動詞,玩樂(尤其指在派對上)。例句:They partied all night on her birthday.(他們在她生日那天徹夜狂歡。)

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