中英對照讀新聞》Superheroes, from near and far, join Indonesia’s coronavirus battle 超級英雄從四面八方加入印尼冠狀病毒之戰
Volunteers clad as Superman and Spider-Man sprayed disinfectant against the coronavirus on Indonesia’s island of Java, flanking a colleague wearing the winged helmet of local superhero Gatotkaca who shouted, "Wear masks, wash hands and stay alert."
The trio handed out masks, containers of hand sanitiser and bamboo slit drums, while demonstrating how to correctly wash hands, don masks and maintain security following reports of a spate of thefts in the residential area.
" (If the) superheroes support (the measures), the children will definitely obey the orders," said Widanarko, who coordinated the event aimed at teaching people to protect themselves.
One resident, Herni Kurniawati, welcomed the effort, saying it would encourage people to change their habits to protect themselves.
"Usually it’s very difficult to ask the children to wear masks because for them it’s a hassle," added Kurniawati. (Reuters)
flank:名詞,指脅腹、側面、廂房;動詞,指位於側面、經過側面、側面相接;副詞,在左右兩邊。例句:He was flanked by two armed men.(他的兩側有兩個武裝人員。)
spate:名詞,指突然迸發、一陣、洪水、大雨。例句:The river is in spate.(河水暴漲。)
hassle:名詞,指激烈口角、麻煩、困難、問題;動詞,找麻煩。例句:He hassled me.(他找我麻煩。)
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