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《中英對照讀新聞》Bosnia’s lady in red plans for the afterlife 波士尼亞女士打算「紅」到下輩子

2019/10/24 05:30



Zorica Rebernik has spent her life in red and plans to stay that way - even after she dies.


After four decades dressing in the color from head to toe, the 67-year-old Bosnian has had tombstones made for herself and husband Zoran - whom she married wearing a red gown - from a special red granite imported from India.


The retired schoolteacher lives in a red house, where she and Zoran eat from red plates, drink from red glasses and sleep in red bedding. Even her hair is dyed red.


"When I turned 18 or 19 there came a sudden, strong urge to wear red," she said. "There must not be a single dot of any other color on my home decorations or clothes."


"In my hometown, everybody knows me and would offer me different red things. But I would reject any gift that was not red, no matter how precious," she also mentioned. She even goes to funerals dressed in red, eschewing traditional black.(Reuters)



granite:名詞,花崗石。例句:The whole building is made of imported granite.(整棟大樓都是用進口花崗石建成。)

urge:名詞,衝動。例句:Turning thirty, he has an urge to give up everything.(30歲後,他有一股拋下一切的衝動。)

eschew:動詞,迴避;放棄。例句:She eschews sugary and fatty foods to lose weight.(為了減重,她避吃含糖和油膩的食物。)

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