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《中英對照讀新聞》Sightseeing train turns ’problem’ Kyoto line into talk of the town 觀光列車讓「有問題」的京都鐵道線成為街談巷議話題

2019/10/11 05:30



A railway here in Miyazu, Kyoto Prefecture once on the verge of being defunct has a new lease on life with its slow-moving sightseeing train featuring a cafe-like interior.


The Tango Aka-Matsu is operated by Kyoto Tango Railway (Tantetsu), whose lines were famously dubbed the symbol of unprofitable train routes in the Heisei Era, which started in 1989.


The train, which connects Nishi-Maizuru and Amanohashidate stations, runs at reduced speeds offering scenic views.


Passengers let out cries of delight on a weekend in December as the fully occupied 33-seat train approached Yuragawa Kyoryo bridge over the Yuragawa river.


"It’s amazing. It’s like we are on the sea," one passenger said.


The 550-meter-long bridge is only a few meters above the river, making passengers feel as if the train is traveling on the water.



be the talk of the town:慣用語,成為街談巷議的話題;成為眾人的話題。例句:The new mascot of the baseball team is the talk of the town.(棒球隊的新吉祥物,成為眾人議論的焦點。)

on the verge of:慣用語,接近於…;瀕於…。

a new lease of/on life:慣用語,更有活力,延年續命。例句:The treatment gives patients a new lease on life.(這項療法讓患者重獲新生。)

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