《中英對照讀新聞》Tension mounts between prosecution and Justice Ministry/韓檢察體系與法務部間的緊張升高
南韓總統文在寅9日在總統府「青瓦台」舉行的部長和副部長級官員任命儀式中,將法務部長的任命書授予其親信、首爾大學教授、前青瓦台民政首席秘書曹國(左)後,兩人握手。 (歐新社)
Tension is mounting between the prosecution and Justice Ministry, with Justice Minister Cho Kuk pushing for an overhaul of the powerful law enforcement agency and prosecutors accelerating a probe into corruption allegations involving his family.
Controversy surfaced Wednesday after Justice Ministry’s senior officials were reported to have suggested high-ranking officials from the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office set up an investigation team excluding Prosecutor-General Yoon Seok-youl.
The first order Cho gave as new justice minister was to form a team to support the reform of the prosecution. He appointed a person with no work experience in the prosecution to head the team. The Moon administration has pushed to hand over more investigative powers to police and establish an independent body tasked with probing corruption allegations involving high-ranking government officials as part of the reform.
mount:動詞,上升(漲)、增長、登(爬、騎)上、安裝。Prices are mounting.(物價上漲中。)
overhaul:名詞、動詞,大修、徹底檢修(檢查)、改造(進)。The government has overhauled healthcare system.(政府已對健保制度進行大改革。)
be tasked with:片語,被派給(分配、賦予)…任務。We’ve been tasked with setting up camps for refugees.(我們接到了設立難民營的任務。)
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