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中英對照讀新聞》Hong Kong bookseller who defied China raises $100,000 in a day for new shop違抗中國的香港書商,一天內募得10萬美元開新店

2019/09/10 05:30

搬來台灣的香港書商林榮基,最近在台募資,目標是重開銅鑼灣書店。圖為香港銅鑼灣書店舊址。 (彭博檔案照)


A Hong Kong bookseller who defied mainland China has raised more than $100,000 in just a day to open a new bookshop in Taiwan.


Lam Wing Kee was one of five booksellers detained in 2015 after selling material critical of the political elite on China’s mainland. Months ago he fled to Taiwan as Hong Kong considered a law that would have allowed extradition to mainland China.


Mr Lam’s crowdfunding campaign to "reopen" the Causeway Bay bookstore - the name of his former shop in Hong Kong - raised more than 3m Taiwanese dollars on its first day. More than 1,800 people contributed to his cause, easily exceeding his funding goal.


Mr Lam hopes to choose a new location for the reincarnation of Causeway Bay books in the coming months, and to open it next year. "I am wanted by the Chinese government," he told Vice. "It’s obvious that if I stayed in Hong Kong, I’d be dead for sure."



defy:動詞,違抗,蔑視。例句:It is rare to see children openly defying their parents.(很少看見孩子公開違抗他們的家長。)

cause:名詞,事業,目標,理想。例句:She devoted herself to charitable causes.(她投入慈善事業。)

reincarnation:名詞,轉世,再生,輪迴,化身。例句:Buddhists believe in reincarnation.(佛教徒相信輪迴。)

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