中英對照─86 percent of internet users admit being duped by fake news:survey/調查顯示,86%網路使用者承認曾被假新聞愚弄

2019/06/19 05:30
中英對照─86 percent of internet users admit being duped by fake news:survey/調查顯示,86%網路使用者承認曾被假新聞愚弄

紐約曼哈頓市中心一處假新聞報攤,該報攤成立於美國期中選舉前夕,目的在於教育民眾關於假新聞、假資訊的危險性。約86%的網路用戶表示曾被假新聞所騙。 (法新社)


Eighty-six percent of internet users have been duped by fake news - most of it spread on Facebook - according to a global survey.


Respondents said they want both governments and social media companies to crack down on these activities, which are contributing to a growing distrust of the internet as well as negatively impacting economies and political discourse.


The United States took the lion’s share of the blame for spreading fake news, followed by Russia and China, according to the annual Ipsos survey of more than 25,000 internet users in 25 countries.


Fake news appeared to be most prevalent on Facebook, but also appears on YouTube, blogs and Twitter, the pollsters found. The survey results showed people in Egypt were the most gullible while respondents in Pakistan were the most skeptical. The results also revealed widespread distrust of social media companies and growing concerns over online privacy and biases.



dupe:動詞,欺騙、愚弄。例句:I was duped into signing up for NT$ 30,000 worth of lessons.(我我受騙簽下價值3萬台幣的課程契約。)

crack down:片語,制裁、鎮壓。例句:The riot police officers fired tear gas and rubber bullets to crack down on demonstrators.(鎮暴警察發射催淚瓦斯與橡膠子彈以鎮壓示威者。)

the lion’s share:片語,最大部分。例句:The boy got the lion’s share of the cake.(這名男孩得到蛋糕的最大一塊。)

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