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《中英對照讀新聞》Indiana bride takes photos in wedding dress in honor of fiance killed by drunk driver-印第安那州新娘拍婚紗照 紀念遭酒駕者撞死的未婚夫

2019/05/31 05:30



An Indiana bride was supposed to celebrate the happiest day of her life as she planned to marry her fiance Kendall Murphy on September 29, but instead she took photos in her wedding dress alone.


On November 10, 2017, the couple’s plan to spend their lives together suddenly came to an end when Kendall, a Montgomery volunteer firefighter, was tragically killed by an alleged drunk driver.


Kendall’s mother, Katrina Murphy, contacted photographer Mandi Knepp after Kendall’s death and asked to do a photo shoot on the day that the couple planned to wed in hopes that it would help Jessica through the healing process.


Mandi took photos of Jessica doing her makeup and putting on her wedding dress.


Jessica posed with several of Kendall’s belongings, including his uniform, his helmet, and his boots.


The most touching and emotional photo of all shows Jessica knelt down in front of Kendall’s headstone.



in honor of:慣用語,紀念,向…表敬意。例句:The building was named in honor of the university’s founder.(這棟大樓以這所大學的創辦人命名,以茲紀念。)

come to an end:慣用語,終止。例句:Switzerland’s nine-year streak as the world’s most competitive economy came to an end on Wednesday, dethroned by the United States in an annual league table published by the World Economic Forum.(根據「世界經濟論壇」發布的年度排行榜,瑞士連續9年盤踞全球最具競爭力經濟體的地位在週三告終,由美國取而代之。)

kneel down:動詞片語,跪下。

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