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《中英對照讀新聞》New education chief draws fire for prewar rescript remarks 新任教育部長針對戰前詔書的發言引發爭議

2019/01/11 06:00



New education minister Masahiko Shibayama whipped up a storm of protest on his first day in office by stating that the prewar Imperial Rescript on Education stressing loyalty to the emperor is still relevant.


Shibayama made the remark during his inaugural news conference on Oct. 2, triggering condemnation from opposition lawmakers.


Kiyomi Tsujimoto, Diet Affairs Committee chief of the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, assailed Shibayama’s stance on the rescript as "outrageous."


"His view is so out of step," she said. "He would have lost his post instantly if he had become the education minister" in the past.



draw fire:慣用語,招致批評或評判。例句:Mary Bono resigned as interim chief of USA Gymnastics after she drew fire for a tweet criticizing Nike’s use of former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick in an ad campaign.(瑪莉.波諾在發推文批評耐吉公司找職業美式足球聯盟球員四分衛柯林.卡佩尼克拍廣告並因此招致批評後,辭去美國體操協會代理主席一職。)

whip/stir/kick up a storm:慣用語,導致讓許多人憤怒或不高興的情況;引發軒然大波。

out of step with someone/something:慣用語,與…步調不一致,不協調。例句:The mayor’s remarks show that he is seriously out of step with voters’ views on the city.(市長的發言顯示他在對該市的看法上與選民嚴重步調不一。)

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