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《中英對照讀新聞》A contact lens was embedded in woman’s eyelid for 28 years-一片隱形眼鏡片深埋在女子眼皮28年

2018/12/07 06:00



Imagine going to the eye doctor because your upper eyelid is swollen and painful. The doctor tells you it’s a cyst and operates. Inside the blister, the surgeon finds a contact lens: a rigid gas-permeable one.


That’s what happened to a 42-year-old British woman, according to a report recently published in the journal BMJ Case Reports.


Starting as a pea-sized lump just below her left eyebrow, the cyst grew over a six-month period until it was visible on an MRI. In addition to swelling and later pain when touched, her left eyelid drooped.


When surgeons discovered the rigid contact, it was intact; it appeared to have been perfectly encapsulated by tissue. In the process of removing it, the contact was cracked and chipped.


The woman was bewildered. Then her mother remembered an accident when the woman was 14 years old: While playing badminton, she was hit in the left eye by a shuttlecock. She wore rigid contacts at the time, and the contact in the injured eye was never found. Because the injury resolved quickly with conservative care, the family assumed the contact had flown out of her eye and been lost.



embed:動詞,栽種(花等);埋、嵌入;深留腦海或記憶。例句:The bullet grazed his cheek before embedding itself in the wall behind him.(子彈擦過他的臉頰然後卡進他身後的牆上。)


In the process of doing something:慣用語,在進行…的過程中。例句:Actually she’s not single yet. She and her husband are still in the process of divorcing.(老實說她還不算單身。她跟她老公還在辦離婚中。)

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