《中英對照讀新聞》Japan’s TV Asashi cancels BTS appearance over T-shirt controversy — 日本朝日電視台因T恤爭議而取消防彈少年團演出
BTS’ live performance in Japan has been cancelled amid allegations that one member has been involved in anti-Japanese activities.
The band’s management agency Big Hit Entertainment announced on Thursday that group’s appearance on TV Asahi’s Music Station program slated for Nov. 9 has been called off. The group recently returned home from a jam-packed overseas tour and is due to begin an Asian tour next week.
該男子音樂組合的經紀公司「Big Hit娛樂」週四宣布,該男子團體原定11月9日在朝日電視台「Music Station」節目的演出業已取消。該男團甫從行程滿檔的海外巡迴演出返國,並預定下週展開亞洲巡迴。
The controversy arose when a Japanese media report accused the South Korean boy band of being anti-Japanese, taking issue with a T-shirt BTS member Jimin was seen wearing with photos and letters commemorating the Korean liberation day imprinted on it. The T-shirt had photos of Koreans celebrating independence, an atomic bomb being dropped on Japan, along with the words "PATRIOTISM, OUR HISTORY, LIBERATION," and "KOREA."
call off:片語,取消、中(停)止、暫停。Tomorrow’s baseball game has been called off because of the weather.(明天的棒球賽已因天候因素而取消。)
jam-packed:形容詞,擠滿的、塞得緊緊(透不過氣)的。The streets were jam-packed with tourists.(街道被遊客擠得水洩不通。)
take issue with:對某人、事、物持強烈異議(很不贊同、發生爭論)。I took issue with that statement the politician made.(我反對這個政治人物發表的那份聲明。)
醫師看法:鑑定有專業 裝病沒那麼容易
為何要做精神鑑定:兩公約後 精神病患幾無判死
年終獎金將入袋 永康鬧區最後3字頭一次購足3房
蝙蝠俠ETF投資界超級英雄 00757純度最高、績效制霸
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大馬議員稱星宇檳城台北暫停飛 旅遊局盼重啟
拜登回顧美國總統大選 堅稱若他上陣可擊敗川普
英國擴大實施ETA上路首日 香港、北愛爾蘭有疑慮
美媒:北極新航道改變地緣政治 川普加碼野望格陵蘭
川普要拿格陵蘭 不排除動武