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《中英對照讀新聞》University students seek direct election of presidents-南韓大學學生尋求校長直選

2018/06/17 06:00



Many private universities are contemplating implementing a direct election system for their president, as an increasing number of school heads have been embroiled in charges of embezzlement and other unethical behavior.


Ewha Women’s University was the first to implement the direct election system last year, giving all students an opportunity to vote for the candidate of their choice. Last January, the university made a decision to switch from an indirect election system to a direct one, after former President Choi Kyung-hee was found guilty of illegally giving admission favors to Choi Soon-sil’s daughter Chung Yoo-ra.


Starting this year, students from key universities have been requesting implementation of the system. Last March, the National University Student Network (NUSN) established a direct election movement headquarters consisting of 22 of the nation’s major universities including Seoul National, Korea and Kyunghee.


"The direct election system goes beyond just appointing a president; it reduces the undemocratic ways the institution has been operating and also gives every member a voice in the operation of the university," said the NUSN.



contemplate:動詞,打(盤)算、仔細考慮、凝視。I’m contemplating going abroad for study one year.(我正仔細考慮出國念書1年。)

embroil:動詞,使捲入(牽連)。The United Nations was reluctant to get itself embroiled in civil war.(聯合國不願讓自己捲入一國內戰。)

go beyond:動詞片語,超過(越)(出)、不僅。The matter has gone beyond all our expectations.(此事已完全超乎我們預料。)

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