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《中英對照讀新聞》Dancing FBI agent accidentally shoots bar patron in Denver-跳舞的聯邦調查局幹員在丹佛意外射中酒吧客人

2018/06/09 06:00



An off-duty FBI agent dancing wildly at a downtown Denver bar accidentally shot a man in the leg when the agent tried to pick up a gun that fell from its holster as he performed a handstand, Denver police said.


A bystander recorded video of the incident involving the unnamed agent, which authorities said took place on Saturday at the Mile High Spirits and Distillery night spot, and the footage was shared widely online on Sunday.


In a statement, the Denver Police Department said the agent “was dancing at a night club when his firearm became dislodged from its waistband holster and fell onto the floor. When the agent retrieved his handgun an unintended discharge occurred.”


The Denver District Attorney’s office will decide whether to press any charges against the agent. (Reuters)

丹佛地區檢察官辦公室將決定是否對這名幹員提出指控。 (路透)


holster:名詞,通常指手槍皮套。例句:Pulling the cell phone from the holster on her side, she called Mary.(從身邊皮套掏出手機,她打給瑪麗。)

dislodge:動詞,指驅逐、移走、離開原位。例句:She could not dislodge the images imprinted on her brain.(她無法把那些印在腦海的畫面抹去。)

unintended:形容詞,指非故意的、非計畫中的、無意識的。例句:These reforms will have unintended consequences.(這些改革將帶來意想不到的後果。)

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