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《中英對照讀新聞》100,000 orangutans killed in 16 years-10萬隻紅毛猩猩在16年間遭殺害

2018/05/09 06:00



More than 100,000 Critically Endangered orangutans have been killed in Borneo since 1999, research has revealed. Scientists who carried out a 16-year survey on the island described the figure as "mind-boggling".


Deforestation, driven by logging, oil palm, mining and paper mills, continues to be the main culprit. But the research, published in the journal Current Biology, also revealed that animals were "disappearing" from areas that remained forested.


This implied large numbers of orangutans were simply being slaughtered, said lead researcher Maria Voigt of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany. She said the animals are being targeted by hunters and are being killed in retaliation for crop-raiding.


Prof Serge Wich from Liverpool John Moores University, UK said: "When these animals come into conflict with people on the edge of a plantation, people will kill them. Just last week, we had a report of an orangutan that had 130 pellets in its body, after being shot."


Deforestation alone could wipe out a further 45,000 orangutans over the next 35 years.



mind-boggling:令人難以想像或接受。例句:The super hurricane caused mind-boggling damage to the island nation.(超級颶風造成這個島國難以想像的破壞。)

crop-raiding:危害作物。例句:Crop-raiding by wild animals is a source of conflict between the animals and humans.(野生動物危害農作物,是動物與人類衝突的來源之一。)

on the edge of :邊緣、瀕臨。例句:Her age is on the dege of fifty.(她年近50。)

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