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《中英對照讀新聞》German shoppers sample burgers made of buffalo worms 德國消費者品嚐水牛蠕蟲製成的漢堡

2018/05/05 06:00



Supermarket shoppers in the western German city of Aachen have stepped out of their comfort zone to sample insect burgers made of buffalo worms.


The worms, highly nutritious due to their high protein content, are the larvae of buffalo beetles and are bred in the Netherlands.


Served in rolls with lettuce, onions and tomatoes, they are being offered to customers at a supermarket in Aachen after proving successful in the Netherlands and Belgium.


One passerby who tried one of the burgers, Manfred Roedder, said he believed they were a good alternative to meat, adding: "I had reservations at first but I got a second serving because it tasted so good."


Baris Oezel, one of the founders of the start-up called Bugfoundation that makes the burgers, said he spent four years working on the concept along with company co-founder Max Kraemer.


"It’s quite simple. You have to create an aesthetic product that looks good and doesn’t show any insects," Oezel said, adding that people were attracted by the smell of the burgers. (Reuters)



alternative:形容詞,指可替代的、可供選擇的、另類的;名詞,指可供選擇的解決方法。例句:I’m afraid I have no alternative but to ask him to leave.(恐怕我別無選擇,只能請他走人。)

reservation:名詞,指預訂、異議、保留區。He accepted the proposal without reservation.(他毫無異議地接受了提案。)

aesthetic:形容詞,指美的、藝術的;名詞,指美學、審美觀。例句:The painting has little aesthetic value.(這幅畫沒什麼美學價值。)

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