《中英對照讀新聞》Convenience store Dawa agrees to change name after Wawa suit 達瓦便利商店在瓦瓦官司後同意改名
A New Jersey convenience store called Dawa has agreed to change its name after a lawsuit from Wawa, according to recently filed court documents.
The stores agreed that the Paterson-based store would change its name, though the filing doesn’t specify what it will be called, according to a proposed order filed in U.S. District Court.
Pennsylvania-based Wawa has more than 700 convenience stores in six states and filed a trademark infringement lawsuit earlier this year against Dawa, saying it’s taking advantage of Wawa’s hard-earned reputation.
"Dawa" is a casual way to say "come in" in Korean and is interpreted to mean "welcome."
Dawa owner Mike Han said in February that he used the name because everyone is welcome there.
Wawa’s name is derived from the Lenape tribe’s word for Canada goose.(AP)
agree to something:慣用語,應允,答應,同意某事。例句:On Tuesday morning, Donald Trump Jr. posted an email chain from last June in which he agreed to a meeting with a ’’Russian government lawyer’’ named Natalia Veselnitskaya who supposedly had damaging information about Hillary Clinton.(美國總統川普的長子小唐納.川普週二一早貼出一串去年6月的電子郵件,顯示他同意與一名叫娜塔莉亞.維塞尼茨卡雅的「俄羅斯政府律師」會面,此人據稱握有對川普的競選對手希拉蕊.柯林頓具有殺傷力的資訊。)
take advantage of someone or something:慣用語,利用。
nothing but:只有;只是。例句:He drinks nothing but beer.(他什麼都不喝,只喝啤酒。)
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