《中英對照讀新聞》Korea has fewest out of wedlock births among OECD states-南韓是未婚生育最少的經濟合作發展組織成員國
The result of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development findings were due to the country’s deep-rooted sentiment against having a child out of marriage, the Bank of Korea said.
The ratio of babies born out of marriage was 1.9 percent in Korea in 2014, the lowest level among 35 member countries belonging to the Paris-based organization.
The country’s numbers were even lower than Japan’s 2.3 percent and far below the average of 39.9 percent for OECD member states in the cited year, the latest report said.
The OECD survey found that mothers in countries that have low out-of-wedlock births tend to have their first child when they are much older.
In Korea, mothers gave birth to their first child at an average age of 31 in 2014, highest among OECD states which reported an average of 28.9.
due to:片語,起因於、由於。His death was due to natural causes.(他的死因是自然死亡。)
belong to:動詞片語,隸屬於……。Her style belongs only to herself.(她的風格專屬於她自己。)
cite:動詞,引述、援引佐證、表彰。The soldier was cited for bravery.(這位軍人因英勇而獲表揚。)
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