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《中英對照讀新聞》Cassini Survives First "Grand Finale" Dive 卡西尼號倖存於首次「最終任務」俯衝

2017/05/01 06:00

NASA’s Cassini spacecraft is a survivor. Launched in 1997, Cassini has given us an amazing ride, becoming the only mission to enter orbit around Saturn and explore the planet, its rings, and its system of moons in amazing, never-before-seen detail.美國航太總署(NASA)的卡西尼號太空船,是一個倖存者。自1997年發射以來,卡西尼號已帶給我們精彩的旅程,進入圍繞土星的軌道的唯一任務,探索這顆行星、土星環及其衛星系統令人驚豔且前所未見的細節。(歐新社)

◎ 劉宜庭

NASA’s Cassini spacecraft is a survivor. Launched in 1997, Cassini has given us an amazing ride, becoming the only mission to enter orbit around Saturn and explore the planet, its rings, and its system of moons in amazing, never-before-seen detail.


Now, Cassini is astounding us once again, as it completed the first of 22 Grand Finale orbits this week, becoming the first mission to thread the gap between Saturn and the inner edge of its rings.


"No spacecraft has ever seen Saturn this close before," says Earl Maize(NASA-JPL)in a recent press release. "We could only rely on predictions, based on our experience with Saturn’s other rings. I am delighted to report that Cassini shot through the gap just as we planned and has come out the other side in great shape."


The first raw closeup images of Saturn are simply amazing. Here, we see the dark "eye" of the polar hexagon and churning convection cells of Saturn’s upper atmosphere.



spacecraft:名詞,太空船。例句:The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft is one of the largest, heaviest and most complex interplanetary spacecraft ever built.(卡西尼-惠更斯號太空船是迄今最大、最重、最複雜的星際太空船之一。)

orbit:名詞,軌道、軌跡。例句:Once in space, the spacecraft will go into orbit around Earth.(一旦進入太空,太空船將會進入環繞地球的軌道。)

Saturn:名詞,土星。例句:Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun.(土星是太陽的第6顆行星。)

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