《中英對照讀新聞》Bike-promoting Belgian minister finds own cycle stolen-推廣騎自行車的比利時部長發現自己的單車被偷了
A Belgian minister arrived by bike to a news conference to promote cycling on Tuesday, only to find it had been stolen when he left half an hour later.
Ben Weyts, minister of mobility for the Dutch-speaking region of Flanders, unveiled a plan to invest 300 million euros ($320 million) in cycle lanes until 2019, as part of a wider program to promote alternative modes of transport.
"We left the bike in racks at the station and locked it," a spokesman for the minister said. "When we got back half an hour later, it was gone."
While Belgium is a country obsessed with cycling as a sport, cars are the main method of commuting to work, leading to some of the worst road congestion in Europe.
The minister had to call his driver to pick him up from the station in Halle, just south of Brussels, the spokesman said, and hoped police would discover the bicycle thief with the help of security camera footage.
promote:動詞,推銷、鼓勵。例句:Interior ministry held a public contest to find a slogan to promote population growth.(內政部舉辦公開比賽,徵選鼓勵人口成長的口號。 )
unveil:動詞,展示、公開。例句:The government will unveil a tourism promotion package. (政府將推出觀光業促進方案。)
be obsessed with:片語,執著、著迷於...(想法)。例句:Obsessed with finding the best way to learn language.(務求尋得學習語言的最佳途徑。)
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