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《中英對照讀新聞》Austrian authorities seeking Hitler double seen around birthplace 奧地利當局尋找希特勒出生地附近被看到的分身

2017/02/18 06:00



Austrian authorities are investigating reports of a man appearing in public in Adolf Hitler’s birthplace as the Nazi dictator’s double, including the distinctive mustache, haircut and clothing.


"I have often seen this gentlemen in Braunau and wonder if this means something," the Oberösterreichische Nachrichten paper cited a local resident as saying on his Facebook page alongside a picture of the man it said resembled Hitler.


Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, then part of Austria-Hungary, in 1889.


The man, estimated to be 25 to 30 years old, was last seen in a local bookstore browsing through magazines about World War Two, adding he had identified himself in a local bar as "Harald Hitler."


Austria’s parliament voted in December to buy the three-storey house where Hitler was born, which the government has rented since 1972 to control how it is used.


Glorifying Hitler or the Nazis is a crime in Austria, which Nazi Germany annexed in 1938. (Reuters)



distinctive:形容詞,指有特色的、與眾不同的、具鑑別性。例句:The weather here is very good with four distinctive seasons.(這裡氣候很好,四季分明。)

browse:動詞,指隨意翻閱、吃草;名詞,指瀏覽、放牧。例句:Do you want to browse?(你想逛逛嗎?)

annex:動詞,指附加、併吞、獲得;名詞,指附錄、附屬物。例句:A new annex is being added to the school.(有一棟新校舍正在蓋。)

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