《中英對照讀新聞》World’s largest reindeer herd plummets 全球最大野生馴鹿群數銳減
The world’s largest wild reindeer herd has fallen by 40% since 2000, scientists have warned.
They say that the animals, which live in the Taimyr Peninsula in the northernmost tip of Russia, are being affected by rising temperatures and human activity. This is causing the animals to change their annual migration patterns.
"There is a substantial decline - and we are also seeing this with other wild reindeer declining rapidly in other parts of the world," said Andrey Petrov, who runs the Arctic Centre at the University of Northern Iowa, US.
The Taimyr herd is one of the most monitored groups of reindeer in the world. The animals have been tracked for nearly 50 years by aerial surveys and more recently by satellite imagery.
The population reached a peak of one million in 2000, but this latest research suggests that there are now only 600,000 reindeer.
"Climate change is at least one of the variables," explained Petrov. Industrial development is increasing in the region, which is also changing the animals’ distribution.
The researchers found that in the summer, the reindeer were moving east to avoid human activity. But they were also shifting north and to higher elevations.
plummet:快速下降、陡然變差。例句:Her popularity has plummeted.(她的名望驟降。)
variable:可變性、可變因素。例句:Have you taken all the variables into account?(你有沒有把所有變因考慮進去?)
elevation:高地、海拔、高度。例句:The elevation of the tower is 50 metres.(這棟大樓高50公尺。)
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