《中英對照讀新聞》Why people are posing with safety pins after the presidential election? 為何(美國)總統大選後,人們別起安全別針?
Days after Donald Trump was named president-elect, Americans are spreading a message of unity with a simple symbol:a silver safety pin.
The object may seem confusing to many in the U.S., but to those who lived in the United Kingdom during Brexit, it’s a sight they’re very much used to.
In June, millions voted for the U.K. to leave the European union, and to their surprise, they won - with 52 percent of the vote.
In the aftermath of the June 23 vote to leave the European Union, Britain saw a surge in xenophobia expressed in taunts, threats and worse. The hashtag #PostBrexitRacism started trending, as social media users reported verbal harassment on buses, city streets and in cafes.
That’s when the safety pin movement began. A Twitter user who helped start the social media campaign said the object would help inspire solidarity and increase safety.
Months later, Americans are following suit.
Some Muslim women in hijabs have reported harassment and intimidation following the presidential election.
On Friday, the hashtag #safetypin trended on Twitter, as dozens of people shared selfies with safety pins attached to their clothing. "Standing together we will be safe," one user tweeted.
in the aftermath of:餘波、事件結束後的一段時間。例句:Many people were homeless in the aftermath of the tsunami. (海嘯過後,許多人無家可歸。)
xenophobia:排外、仇外症。例句:Racism and xenophobia are growing in Europe.(種族主義與排外情緒在歐洲逐漸攀升。)
follow suit:跟著做,有樣學樣。例句:If other stores lower their prices, we’ll have to follow suit.(如果其他店家降價,我們也必須跟進。)
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