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《中英對照讀新聞》Iran introduces credit cards for first time 伊朗首度發行信用卡

2016/10/12 06:00



Iran introduced credit cards for the first time on Sunday, the Iranian Students’ News Agency (ISNA) reported.


Iran is looking to bolster its oil production and economy after world powers in January lifted sanctions against the Islamic Republic in return for Tehran complying with a deal to curb its nuclear ambitions.


Valiollah Seif, the head of the central bank of Iran, cautioned that it could take some time for banks to get used to the credit card system.


"It would be incorrect to think that these cards will be used quickly within the banking network," ISNA quoted Seif as saying.

「認為這些信用卡很快地就會在銀行網絡內使用是不正確的。」ISNA 引述塞夫的說法報導。

The cards will be offered with limits of approximately 3,000, 10,000 and 15,000 dollars and can be used for purchases in shops or online.



look(to):期待、期盼。例句:I’m not looking to be with her again.(我不想再跟她混在一起。)

in return for:作為....的交換或回報。例句:What can I do in return for your kindness?(我怎麼樣才能回報你的好意呢?)

get used to:習慣、適應。例句:I am getting used to doing exercise every day.(我漸漸習慣每天運動。)

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