《中英對照讀新聞》Where the commute is a plane ride 搭飛機通勤的國度
Every Sunday morning without exception, the Beirut airport becomes packed with Lebanese workers. They are flying two to three hours to Persian Gulf countries to work, where salaries are up to 2.5 times higher.
"I spend most of my time on the plane," said Salim Tayah, one of the numerous communters. "At first it’s enjoyable, seeing new cultures, but…sometimes I wake up in a hotel, and I don’t know what country I’m in."
Lebanese workers, specifically, are sought for their skills and education, as well as their geographic and cultural proximity. Lebanon has long been a center for trade, commerce and education, and is home to some of the region’s best universities, which attract students from other Arab countries. Many of these graduates also go on to work in the Gulf.
To lure this talent to the socially conservative and financially prosperous deserts, a number of companies have set up programs that allow their employees to work in the Gulf, while still having a home base in Lebanon. They provide housing or hotel accommodation and cover the cost of flights for workers who fly in for their jobs as part of the employment package.
proximity:名詞,鄰近、親近。例句:Proximity to a shopping mall is a merit of this community.(鄰近購物商場是這個社區的優點之一。)
be home to:慣用語,是…的家園。例句:Kenting is home to beautiful and precious coral reefs.(墾丁棲息著美麗又珍貴的珊瑚礁。)
package:名詞,一組事物。例句:To formulate an emergency package is a necessity.(制定一套應急措施有其必要。)
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