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《中英對照讀新聞》Tipsy’ German Partygoers Mistake Real Cops for Strippers 德國微醺跑趴族誤將真警察當成脫衣舞男

2016/09/16 06:00


Police were called to a party tent in the southwestern German town of Bendorf after a 50th birthday celebration got a bit too loud.


"When the two male officers arrived they were cheered by the crowd" because the partygoers thought strippers had arrived, the police department said in a statement.


Several attempts to explain to the "approximately 10 tipsy women" that the officers were genuine law enforcement "were completely unsuccessful," police added.


Revelers posed for pictures with the officers and female party-goers asked for hugs with the men in uniform. But the two professionals needed something for their police report — routine procedure — and asked for the birthday girl’s phone number.


"This boosted the amusement of the ladies sky high," police said in a statement. It added that the women eventually turned down the music once they spotted the police vehicle outside the tent and realized the officers were not there to dance.



mistake for:慣用語,誤認。例句:She always mistakes him for his younger brother on the phone.(她在電話中總是把他誤認成他弟弟。)

show up:慣用語,出現;抵達。例句:When will the train show up?(火車何時到站?)

turn something down:慣用語,向下翻折(衣領);調低/小(音量);拒絕(請求)。例句:Could you turn down the ring volume of your phone?(可以把手機鈴聲調小聲一點嗎?)

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