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《中英對照讀新聞》Chinese panda gives birth in Belgium中國大貓熊在比利時產仔

2016/09/09 06:00



A giant panda on loan to Belgium from China has given birth to a cub, a rare event for the endangered species, the Pairi Daiza zoo said Thursday.


The zoo and the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda "have the great pleasure to announce the birth of a panda cub", Pairi Daiza said in a statement.


"Less than 2,000 pandas can be found in the wild, making every birth a true miracle", it said.


"Over the past twenty years, only two European countries (Austria and Spain) were able, with China’s help, to successfully reproduce pandas.


"Belgium will thus be the third European country to have ever had the pleasure of welcoming a panda cub."


The mother, Hao Hao, and her mate Xing Hui were loaned to Belgium for 15 years in February 2014, on the occasion of a state visit to the kingdom by China’s President Xi Jinping.(AFP)



on loan:慣用語,租借。例句:This sculpture is on loan from the museum.(這尊雕刻品是向博物館借來的。)

give birth to:慣用語,生產,動物產仔,也可形容提出新構想,發明或建國。例句:She gave birth to twin girls.(她生下一對雙胞胎女嬰。)


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