《中英對照讀新聞》Forum examines where mental health, law enforcement intersect 論壇檢視心理衛生與執法機構交錯之處
Mental illness – whether developmental or caused by drug abuse, PTSD or dementia – has reached a crisis point on both sides of the state line with law enforcement often on the front lines.
"Research indicates up to 25 percent of people killed by law enforcement officers suffer from some mental illness. In many cases law enforcement officers are not properly trained to deal with mentally ill subjects, and this lapse in training often results in injuries or deaths of subjects and officers," said Lake County Sheriff John Buncich during Tuesday’s round table discussion.
"The Lake County Jail currently houses approximately 700 inmates and at any given time 30 to 50 percent of our inmate population are mentally ill," Buncich said, adding that Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart has that same percentage of mental illness among Cook County Jail’s 10,000 inmates.
"We have spent $2 million to put in a modern, state-of-the-art mental health facility with about 40 psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health professionals, but we can’t keep up with it," Buncich said.
abuse:名詞、動詞,虐待,傷害。drug abuse:藥物濫用;child abuse:虐兒。例句:PTSD is often accompanied by
depression, substance abuse, or one or more of the other anxiety disorders.(創傷後壓力症候群往往與憂鬱症、藥物濫用,以及一至數種焦慮疾患併合發生。)
results in:動詞片語,導致,A導致B。例句:Inequality in wages results in likelihood of women living in poverty.(同工不同酬導致女性可能陷入貧窮。)
at any given time:補語、副詞,每次、任何時候。例句:At any given time the universe is giving you the best result possible.(任何時候,上天總是給你最好的。)
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