《中英對照讀新聞》Mother saves son from mauling by mountain lion in Colorado 科羅拉多勇母從山獅攻擊中救出兒子
A mother fought off a mountain lion that attacked her five-year-old son while he was playing with his older brother outside his home in western Colorado on Friday, the local sheriff said.
The unidentified boy’s mother heard screams and raced outside the house northwest of Aspen where she found the cougar on top of her son, the Pitkin County Sheriff’s Office said.
The woman "was able to physically remove her son from the mountain lion" and the boy’s father called 911 as he drove his son to hospital, the sheriff added.
A hospital spokeswoman said the child sustained injuries to his face, head and neck and was in fair condition. His mother was treated for injuries to her hands and legs and released.
Sheriff’s deputies and a law enforcement officer from the U.S. Forest Service found the mountain lion and put it down, the sheriff said.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife spokeswoman Jennifer Churchill said there have been two, possible three, fatalities related to mountain lion attacks in the state since 1991, while some 16 people have been injured by cougars since 1970.
maul:動詞,打傷、傷害。例句:The tiger mauled its keeper badly.(飼養員被老虎傷得嚴重。)
on top of:片語,在…上面,也有完全控制之意。例句:She is really on top of her job.(她對她的工作非常駕輕就熟。)
fight off:片語,擊退、竭力擺脫。例句:Did you manage to fight off a cold by taking medicine?(你服藥後感冒好了嗎?)
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