《中英對照讀新聞》Philippines’ Duterte meets alleged drug lord 菲律賓總統杜特蒂會見所謂的毒梟
President Rodrigo Duterte met with a businessman he accused of being one of the Philippines’ top drug lords and threatened to kill him to his face.
"I will execute you.... I will finish you off," Duterte said during the meeting.
But the businessman denied that he was the alleged Chinese-Filipino drug dealer Peter Lim.
"My family is really in a deep problem now in Cebu. We are getting all the threats," Lim said.
But Duterte shot back: "I will not say I’m sorry because the reason you’re here is you’re a suspected drug lord."
During his meeting with Duterte, which took place at a drug enforcement agency office in the southern city of Davao, Lim denied any involvement in illegal drugs, but admitted he was investigated in 1997 for alleged links to narcotics.
"Our nation is very lucky to have you. You’re the only president who could save our nation. You really mean business," Lim added.
allege:動詞,宣稱、指稱(無充分證據)。例句:She is alleged to have been at the centre of an international drug ring.(她被指曾進入國際販毒集團核心。)
finish sb. off:動詞片語,使某人很不開心、筋疲力竭。例句:That game of tennis really finished me off.(那場網球賽讓我累壞了。)
mean business:動詞片語,玩真的。例句:She means business, I can tell by her eyes.(她可是來真的,從眼神就看得出來。)
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