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《中英對照讀新聞》Huge long-necked dinosaurs had big, precocious babies 大型長頸恐龍有早熟的大寶寶

2016/07/13 06:00


The babies of a huge, long-necked dinosaur called Rapetosaurus that lived on the island of Madagascar did not just sit in a nest and look cute. They were born ready for action.


Scientists on Thursday announced the discovery of fossils of a baby Rapetosaurus the size of a big dog that apparently starved to death during a drought several weeks after hatching from its soccer-ball-sized egg.


Unlike many animal babies, particularly humans, the hatchling Rapetosaurus had adult proportions, meaning it likely did not need significant parental support and was actively foraging for plants rather than waiting for momma to feed it.


Such babies are known as "precocial," as opposed to "altricial" offspring that have different body dimensions from adults, cannot get around by themselves and require considerable parental support for food and protection, Macalester College paleontologist Kristi Curry Rogers said.


"The main conclusion was that this is the first evidence for a truly precocial dinosaur:one that matured rapidly and without parental care," Adelphi University paleontologist Michael D’Emic added.


Rapetosaurus lived about 67 million years ago, not long before the demise of the dinosaurs, and was the largest creature in Madagascar at the time.



forage:動詞,尋找食物。例句:This bear foraged for food in trash cans.(這頭熊在垃圾桶中尋找食物。)

as opposed to:並非、形成…對比。例句:The cup is made of stainless steel, as opposed to wood.(這個杯子是不鏽鋼的,而非木製的。)

get around:片語,四處走動、消息傳開。例句:Her new nickname was getting around.(她的新綽號不脛而走。)

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