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歧視?台裔模特控遭AI換臉成白人 知名設計師嗆告卻又火速刪文!

2023/11/05 21:25


〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕一名美籍台裔模特在網上爆料,她日前與美國知名設計師科斯特洛(Michael Costello)在一場洛杉磯時裝秀合作,沒想到柯斯特洛事後在IG分享走秀照片,該名模特發現自己被換臉成白人女性,質疑遭歧視,這件事曝光後引發外界熱議。

外型亮麗的21歲台裔模特吳謝琳(Shereen Wu,音譯),日前在短影音平台抖音(TikTok)披露,自己與知名設計師科斯特洛在洛杉磯「藝術之心」(Art Hearts)時裝活動合作,當時她穿著一件蕾絲鏤空黑色禮服走秀,但後續在科斯特洛IG分享的照片中發現,吳謝琳的臉疑似遭AI換臉成白人女性,這讓她相當不滿,痛斥「作為在社群擁有超過170萬粉絲的大設計師,因為我的種族去編輯我的臉,是非常不尊重人的!」


隨著輿論延燒,曾與碧昂絲(Beyoncé)、珍妮佛·羅培茲(Jennifer Lopez)、席琳·狄翁(Celine Dion)等大咖女星合作的科斯特洛,上週四(2日)透過IG發出聲明表示,他並不知道吳謝琳沒有獲得報酬的事,他將會另外提供補償;但針對吳謝琳的指控,科斯特洛否認他有在吳謝琳的臉上動過手腳,宣稱他只是轉發粉絲標記他的照片而已,他並不知道照片也被換臉過,揚言會對虛假指控採取法律行動。不過該聲明發出不到24小時,科斯特洛就撤下,再掀一波討論。

@shereenwu Michael Costello has yet to take responsibility for his actions. I want to explain what happened, and I hope other models in the future feel comfortable to speak up. He has since offered to post my photo side by side with the AI one, but has not voluntarily post it. This offer did not contain an apology, and only happened after a model who’s close with him brought light to the situation. Some points I couldn’t fit: -Replaced the face of a model from the same collection -Lightened the skin of a black model in a photo and proceeded to push blame on the makeup artist (mua did not lighten the skin) -Screamed at models backstage (he screamed at the girl who stumbled on the runway to near tears, only to make an Instagram post praising her after.) But considering how long he’s been acting like this, I doubt any apology from him would be sincere; they would be performative at best. (Sorry for the weird cuts and sped up video I was trying to fit as much as I can in) #michaelcostello #greenscreenvideo #drama #michaelcostellocontroversy ♬ original sound - shereenwu



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