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修女出專輯 翻唱《Like A Virgin》挨轟

2014/10/25 10:51

克里斯蒂娜修女說,《Like A Virgin》歌詞講述愛能重新改造一個人,甚至將人從過去的罪惡中救贖回來,她希望演繹成一首浪漫的情歌。 (圖擷取自《獨立報》)

〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕在今年6月甫以天籟美音在義大利「The Voice」歌唱比賽備受矚目的克里斯蒂娜斯庫奇亞修女(Cristina Scuccia)即將推出新專輯,但她卻翻唱西洋天后瑪丹娜(Madonna )80年代的成名曲《宛若處女》(Like A Virgin),該曲充滿性暗示,天主教衛道人士連翻砲轟歌詞淫穢不堪,克里斯蒂娜此舉惹怒部分天主教主教。

《獨立報》(The Independent)報導,克里斯蒂娜修女翻唱西洋天后瑪丹娜成名曲《Like A Virgin》,惹惱了保守嚴謹的天主教教廷。瑪丹娜一向被天主教視為離經叛道的象徵,她的《like a prayer 》一曲MV當年被視為褻瀆神明慘遭禁播。《Like A Virgin》歌詞如「Touched for the very first time」、「Feels so good inside」充滿性暗示,更被天主教衛道人士視為淫穢不堪,克里斯蒂娜此舉惹怒部分天主教主教。

衛道人士批判26歲的克里斯蒂娜修女選歌只從商業角度出發,也有天主教雜誌斥責她愛慕虛榮。但她接受天主教媒體《Catholic newspaper Avvenire》訪問時透露,《Like A Virgin》是由她自己選擇翻唱,因為歌詞講述愛能重新改造一個人,甚至將人從過去的罪惡中救贖回來,她希望演繹成一首浪漫的情歌。


Like A Virgin歌詞:

I made it through the wilderness

Somehow I made it through

Didn't know how lost I was

Until I found you

I was beat incomplete

I'd been had, I was sad and blue

But you made me feel

Yeah, you made me feel

Shiny and new

Like a virgin

Touched for the very first time

Like a virgin

When your heart beats

Next to mine

Gonna give you all my love, boy

My fear is fading fast

Been saving it all for you

'Cause only love can last

You're so fine and you're mine

Make me strong, yeah you make me bold

Oh your love thawed out

Yeah, your love thawed out

What was scared and cold

Like a virgin

Touched for the very first time

Like a virgin

When your heart beats

Next to mine

Oooh, oooh, oooh

You're so fine and you're mine

I'll be yours 'till the end of time

'Cause you made me feel

Yeah, you made me feel

I've nothing to hide

Like a virgin, ooh, ooh

Like a virgin

Feels so good inside

When you hold me, and your heart beats, and you love me

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Ooh, baby

Can't you hear my heart beat

For the very first time?



《like a prayer 》MV當年被禁播。(圖擷取自網路)

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