《中英對照讀新聞》’Deserters’ won’t be welcomed back with open arms, Juncker warns Britain 容克警告英國:「一日逃兵、終身逃兵」
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"Deserters" from the European Union will not be welcomed back with open arms, European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker has warned as Britain prepares to vote in a referendum on whether to stay in the bloc.
If Britain quits the EU it will have to get used to being considered an outsider, he told Le Monde newspaper in comments published Friday. "Deserters won’t be welcomed with open arms," he said. Britons will vote June 23 on whether or not to stay in the EU and the latest polls suggest the outcome is finely balanced.
"If the British were to say ’no’ (to staying in the EU), which I am not hoping for, life in the (European) community won’t go on as before," he warned. "The United Kingdom will have to accept being considered a third party, who we won’t be bending over backwards for. If the British quit Europe, then we and they are going to have to accept the consequences from that. That is not a threat, but our relations will no longer be as they are today," he added.
Asked what would happen if Britain voted to stay inside the EU, he said the first thing would be to apply the deal that Brussels had agreed with British Prime Minister David Cameron. In February, Cameron thrashed out a reform deal with the EU which he said included significant concessions.
deserter:名詞,逃兵、背棄者、擅離職守開小差的人。例句:He was a deserter from the army.(他服役時曾逃兵。)
bend over backwards:動詞片語,拚命做某件事。例句:He would help me a bit, but don’t expect him to bend over backwards.(他會幫我一點忙,不過可別指望他會竭盡全力。)
thrash out:動詞片語,徹底、仔細、反覆討論,直到找出解決方法。例句:If we’ve got an important decision to make, we often spend a whole night thrashing it out in a meeting.(倘若我們得做個重要決定,往往就會徹夜開會商討。)
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