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《中英對照讀新聞》Mom Delivers Her Own Baby While Driving 媽媽開車時生下她自己的寶寶

2014/09/20 06:00


A U.S. woman has given birth while driving to a doctor’s appointment and delivered her daughter by herself.


Shawna Uriguen delivered the 2.92 kilogram baby. She was on the phone with her fiance and said she was trying to find a place to pull over when the baby was born. She said she quickly got the baby out of her pant leg and checked to make sure she was OK.


Uriguen, 29, said she had been having contractions, but they were inconsistent and she did not think she was in labor. The baby was born two days before her due date.


Uriguen said medics arrived in minutes, and she was taken to the hospital to get checked out. She said that emergency personnel seemed stunned by the unusual delivery and that apparently this did not happen that often. The baby girl and mother are doing fine.



doctor’s appointment:指掛號。例句:I made a doctor’s appointment for next Friday.(我掛了下週五的號看醫生。)

pull over:動詞片語,指拉過來、靠路邊停車、靠岸。例句:The cop ordered him to pull over.(那個警察命令他路邊停車。)

in labor:介係詞片語,指勞動中、處於分娩狀態。例句:My wife is in labor.(我的太太正在生產。)

due date:指到期日、預產期。例句:Please return the book by the due date.(請在到期日前還書。)

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