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《中英對照讀新聞》Pastor issues 30-day sex challenge牧師發出30天性愛戰帖

2008/03/01 06:00


A southwest Florida church issued a challenge for its married members:Hanky panky every day.The challenge for single parishioners is slightly different, though-to abstain from sex for 30 days.

佛羅里達州西南部一間教會對其已婚教友提出一項挑戰:每天「嘿咻」。 然而,單身教友的挑戰稍有不同:禁慾30天。

Relevant Church head pastor Paul Wirth says the 50 percent divorce rate was the catalyst for The 30-Day Sex Challenge.


The church has set up a blog, www.30daysexchallenge.com, for congregants to share their thoughts about the challenge.


Mr. Wirth said the marathon undertaking could help cut high divorce rates and the challenge is aimed at bringing couples closer together. He told his congregation that half of all marriages end in divorce.


Wirth is a former Baptist. He founded his non-denominational ministry three years ago. And he markets his church by tackling unusual or controversial topics. Wirth’s previous sermons have included using hit film Shrek The Third to explain "what happens when we trust God".

沃思原是浸信教會的信徒。他3年前成立了這個不屬於任何教派的佈道會,並藉由處理光怪陸離或爭議性的話題來打響教會知名度。 沃思先前所作的佈道還包括利用賣座電影「史瑞克第3集」來說明「當我們信上帝後,會發生什麼事」。


hanky panky:美國俚語,指一些不可告人的偷雞摸狗行為、放縱、輕佻的性行為等等。 例句:Don’t play hanky-panky with me. (別跟我耍詐。)

abstain from:戒絕、放棄。abstain from smoking(alcohol)戒菸(酒);abstain from voting棄權、放棄投票。

hit:成功而風行一時的事物。例句:The new play is the hit of the season.(這齣新戲是本季最叫座的。)

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