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《中英對照讀新聞》UK couple found guilty of trying to force daughter to marry-英國夫妻強迫女兒結婚遭判刑



2018/11/16 06:00


In 2016, Britain’s diplomatic mission in Bangladesh helped an 18-year-old British woman escape a village in the South Asian nation just days before she was expected to be forced to marry her first cousin. Two years later, a court has sentenced her parents to jail on charges of forced marriage, marking only the second conviction of this kind in British history.


The woman in question, who has not been named in news reports to protect her identity, was studying for end-of-year exams when her parents took her out of school for what was supposed to be a six-week vacation in Bangladesh, the Guardian reported. But within days of arriving in the country, she was told that she was to marry her first cousin.


When she resisted, her father threatened to "chop her up" and later physically assaulted her, the BBC reported. She tried appealing to her mother, who made clear that the plan was for the young woman to marry her cousin — in part so he could get a visa, as prosecutor Michelle Colborne told a British court in May.


Despite the intimidation, the woman said, she never acceded to the marriage. "I thought it was disgusting because it was my first cousin and stood my ground," she told the court.



in question:慣用語,正在談論的(問題等)。例句:That is not the point in question.(那不是討論中的重點。)

accede to something:慣用語,同意,應允;即位,就任。例句:The prime minister said the government will not accede to the terrorist’s demands.(總理表示政府不會答應恐怖份子的要求。)

stand one’s ground:慣用語,(字面)堅守陣地;(引申)堅持立場,拒不讓步。

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