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《中英對照讀新聞》Hangovers could be prevented by drinking pear juice before alcohol, scientists say 科學家說喝酒前喝梨子汁可預防宿醉

2015/08/17 06:00


Drinking pear juice before starting alcohol could keep hangovers at bay and lower the blood alcohol level, according to new research.


The hangover preventative — drinking 200ml of pear juice before having alcohol, though eating the pears themselves could also work — has been found to effectively limit the effects of hangover, and lower the levels of alcohol in people’s blood.


The scientists measured the success of the hangover cure by using a scale of 14 common symptoms. That scale found that the effects of the hangover were “significantly reduced” by drinking the Korean pear juice, and that it was most effective in avoiding “trouble concentrating”.


Researchers have only studied the Korean or Asian pear, which has long been used as a traditional hangover cure, so far.


"It appears that the factors in Korean pears act on the key enzymes involved in alcohol metabolism, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) to speed up alcohol metabolism and elimination or inhibition of alcohol absorption," professor Manny Noakes, who led the study, said in a statement.



keep/hold something/somebody at bay︰動詞片語,遏止、抑制(令人不愉快的)某人或某事造成問題。例句:He fought hard to keep his anger at bay.(他極力壓抑他的怒氣。)

hangover︰名詞,宿醉,後遺症,殘留物。例句:The political system of our country is an hangover from the authoritarian era.(我國政治制度是威權時代遺緒。)

inhibition︰名詞,抑制;顧忌,節制。例句:We laugh without inhibition.(我們毫無顧忌地大笑。)

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