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根據「電腦網路內容分級處理辦法」修正條文第六條第三款規定,已於網站首頁或各該限制級網頁,依台灣網站分級推廣基金會規定作標示。 台灣網站分級推廣基金會(TICRF)網站:http://www.ticrf.org.tw

《中英對照讀新聞》Chain of e-mails reunites Ohio State University football fan with lost digital camera電子郵件連鎖信讓俄亥俄州立大學美式足球粉絲與他遺失的數位相機重逢

2007/10/19 06:00


A woman who found a digital camera outside Ohio Stadium located the owner by uploading a picture from it and e-mailing the image to a batch of Ohio State football fans.


Within 48 hours of sending the e-mail to 14 friends, Michelle Montgomery declared her social experiment a success. She was contacted by Kevin John, 45, who learned through a chain of e-mailers in the Buckeye network (fans of Ohio State) that Montgomery had his camera.


"It shows the power of the Internet, e-mail and the Buckeye network. It’s amazing how many Buckeye fans are out there," said John, a 1986 Ohio State University graduate.


John lost the camera outside the stadium at the Sept. 1 Ohio State-Youngstown State football game after asking a cheerleader to take pictures of him and his 10-year-old son Noah posing with Brutus Buckeye, the team mascot.



Buckeye:名詞,七葉樹,美國俄亥俄州州樹、俄州別名為 Buckeye State,亦為位於該州首府哥倫布的俄州大校隊的暱稱。Ohio Stadium是俄州大校內的巨型體育場。

graduate:名詞,畢業生;形容詞,研究所的;graduate student(研究生);graduate school(研究所)。畢業生相關名詞,alumnus(男校友);alumna(女校友);複數為alumni。

mascot:名詞,吉祥物。例句:I think the squirrel should be declared official Yankees mascot; the Yankees wins every time when it shows up.(我覺得松鼠應該被宣告是洋基隊的官方吉祥物。每次松鼠出現,洋基隊就贏球。)

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