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《中英對照讀新聞》Man deletes his 18 terabyte porn collection to help overcome addiction 男子刪除18TB色情影片幫自己戒掉癮症



2017/11/09 06:00


A man has revealed that he accumulated 18 terabytes of porn on his computer and took the bold step of deleting it all to help him overcome his addiction.


A terabyte is 1,000 gigabytes, so the man’s 18 terabyte collection is equivalent to 5,400 hours of high quality video or 64.8 million images. At a rate of watching eight hours of video per day, it would have taken him 20 months of daily viewing to get through his entire collection just once.


"I would spend days at a time just downloading video after video," the man said. However, he explained that despite being fit, he lost his erection when having sex with his girlfriend multiple times. "It’s definitely the porn, I know it is."


"18 terabytes of poison. 18 terabytes of lying to yourself and eluding yourself. 18 terabytes of social awkwardness and lack of confidence. 18 terabytes of a fake relationships with paid actors on screen."


Many men agreed that deleting their collection was a big step in getting over the addiction. "The sensation of [being] able to drag each girl of your preference and categorizing them can be addictive."



equivalent:形容詞,相等的。例句:Her smile is equivalent to acceptance.(她的微笑等於是接受。)

elude:動詞,逃避。例句:The thief eludes police by any means possible.(小偷千方百計躲避警方追捕。)

get over:動詞片語,克服。例句:People have not gotten over the fear of terrorist attacks.(民眾尚未克服對恐怖攻擊的恐懼。)

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