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《中英對照讀新聞》Hugh Hefner: Playboy magazine founder dies aged 91 休.海夫納《花花公子》雜誌創辦人逝世,享壽91歲



2017/10/03 06:00


Hugh Hefner, American founder of the international adult magazine Playboy, has died at the age of 91. Playboy Enterprises Inc. said he passed away peacefully at home in Los Angeles, from natural causes.


Hefner began publishing Playboy in his kitchen in 1953. It became the largest-selling men’s magazine in the world, shifting seven million copies a month at its peak. The first edition featured a set of nude photographs of Marilyn Monroe.


Hefner’s trailblazing magazine helped make nudity more acceptable in mainstream publications, despite emerging at a time when US states could legally ban contraceptives. It also made him a multi-millionaire, spawning a business empire that included casinos and nightclubs.


Cooper Hefner, his son, said his father would be "greatly missed by many". He paid tribute to his father’s "exceptional and impactful life as a media and cultural pioneer," and called him an advocate for free speech, civil rights and sexual freedom.



trailblazing:形容詞,開創性的,開先例的。例句:His experiment was very trailblazing in the realm of astrophysics.(他的實驗在太空物理領域很有開創性。)

spawn:動詞,產生,造成,釀成。例句:Her death spawned countless films and books.(她的死亡衍生出許多電影及書籍。)

pay tribute to:動詞片語,向…致敬,表示敬意。例句:The minister paid tribute to the men who had fought the blaze.(部長向滅火的勇士致敬。)

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