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    《中英對照讀新聞》 S. Korea worries about growing economic risks, amid impeachment push for President Park 在推動彈劾朴總統之際 南韓擔心經濟危機加劇

    2016/12/25 06:00

    ◎ 茅毅

    South Korea’ finance ministry said on Thursday it is concerned about further risks to the economy from "domestic issues", as parliament prepares to hold an impeachment vote on South Korean President Park Geun-hye.


    That would put more pressure on an economy that is grappling with record household debt, dozens of zombie companies under restructuring and weak exports, which have been further dampened by Samsung Electronics Co’s decision to scrap its fire-prone flagship smartphone Galaxy Note 7 and a strike at Hyundai Motor Co.

    那將對一個正努力解決創新高的家庭負債、重組數十家殭屍企業和出口疲弱的經濟體造成更大壓力;「三星電子公司」決停產其容易自燃的旗艦智慧型手機「Galaxy Note 7」與「現代汽車公司」的罷工,已對外銷更不利。

    South Korea is bracing for another possible hit to trade if President-elect Donald Trump follows through on his protectionism rhetoric once he takes office in January, while its financial markets - like other emerging economies - have been roiled by expectations of more U.S. interest rate hikes starting as soon as next week.


    South Korea’s manufacturing activity shrank for the fourth straight month in November and export orders also fell, a private survey showed last week. "We’re seeing a pause in investment and policymaking in general due to political uncertainties," said Jung Kyu-chul, an economist at state-run Korea Development Institute.



    grapple with:動詞片語,致力、設法解決、應付。Chinese leaders face a challenge: How to grapple with Donald Trump.(中國領導階層面臨挑戰:如何因應唐納.川普。)

    zombie company:名詞片語,殭屍企業,指本該破產,但卻靠融資或政府補助而苟延殘喘的公司。

    roil:及物動詞,攪亂、使焦急、使動盪。The referendum could roil world markets.(該公投結果恐令全球市場不安。)

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