俄別爾哥羅德州遭攻擊 親烏「自由俄羅斯軍團」宣布戰果
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕俄羅斯別爾哥羅德州(Belgorod)州長格拉德科夫(Vyacheslav Gladkov)今(22)日宣稱,烏克蘭的「破壞組織」已進入別爾哥羅德境內;與此同時,與烏克蘭同陣線的「自由俄羅斯軍團」(Liberty of Russia)本日也宣布攻占別爾哥羅德州村莊,目前部隊仍持續往下個目標進軍。
而由部分俄羅斯、白俄羅斯投奔者組成,與烏克蘭部隊並肩對抗入侵俄軍的「自由俄羅斯軍團」,今日稍早在推特(Twitter)上宣布,軍團為了結束俄羅斯總統普廷(Vladimir Putin)的獨裁統治,將開始「反攻」。
而「自由俄羅斯軍團」也在推特上宣布戰果:「軍團與俄羅斯志願軍(Russian Volunteer Corp)已完全解放了別爾哥羅德州的寇琴卡(Kozinka),前鋒已抵達格賴沃龍(Graivoron)。」
The Legion and the RVC completely liberated n/a Kozinka, Belgorod Oblast. Forward units have entered Graivoron.
— "Liberty of Russia" Legion (@legion_svoboda) May 22, 2023
Moving on.
Russia will be free!
The “Liberty of Russia” Legion @legion_svoboda also says it is returning home to end the Kremlin's dictatorship.
— ✙ Albina Fella ✙ ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (@albafella1) May 22, 2023
"We are Russians just like you. We are people just like you. We want our children to grow up in piece and be free people, so that they can travel, study and just be… pic.twitter.com/AcNTpJ2Njv
自由俄羅斯軍團宣布已攻佔靠近國境的寇琴卡村(Kozinka)。(圖取自Google Map)