《中英對照讀新聞》French baker fires his savior instead of giving him his business 法國麵包師傅炒恩人魷魚而不把企業交給他
A French baker who promised to give his business to the homeless man that saved his life has fired him instead.
Michel Flamant was close to dying of carbon monoxide poisoning when Jérôme Aucant, the homeless man, raised the alarm. Flamant caused a minor media sensation by pledging to sell his business to Aucant for one euro.
The 62-year-old said the abrupt change came after he went to his bakery shortly before midnight and found his would-be successor had invited a bunch of friends to drink on the premises in his absence.
"Last week, I returned to the bakery at 1030 at night as usual and discovered that Jérôme had set up a bar of sorts with wine and beer, and all his homeless friends in the oven room. I told him this was not part of the deal," Flamant told the French radio channel France Bleu.
"Tempers rose and he started insulting me, so I told him to pack his bags and go," said the baker, who was saved when Jerome spotted him staggering around his bakery after a carbon monoxide leak.
media sensation:名詞片語,指引起媒體轟動的人事物、媒體炒作焦點。例句:The panda is the zoo’s biggest media sensation.(這隻貓熊是這座動物園最閃亮的媒體焦點。)
would-be:形容詞,指想要成為的、自稱的、冒充的、所謂;名詞,想要成為某種人物的人。例句:The would-be bride just decided to cancel the wedding.(那位準新娘剛決定取消婚禮。)
stagger:動詞,指蹣跚、猶豫、錯開時間、使吃驚;名詞,指搖晃、搖擺不定、不穩定狀態。例句:Their marriage staggered on until last year.(他們的婚姻一直撐到去年為止。)
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