《中英對照讀新聞》Spanking harmful to children’s mental health 打屁股對孩子的精神健康有害
Many parents consider spanking as a softer and safer corporal punishment for their "undisciplined" and "unrepentant" children. But a 50-year-long study suggests angry parents should think twice before resorting to spanking because it can be detrimental to children’s mental health.
According to a study recently published in the Journal of Family Psychology, spanking children increases their risk of developing mental problems. Researchers of the study analyzed five decades of data, following the life of 160, 000 children. They found a positive correlation between the experience of having been spanked as a child and the possibility of developing mental health problems or exhibiting anti-social behavior.
The study also revealed that parents who have been spanked as children are more likely to spank their own children in order to discipline them. Researchers advise parents infuriated by their naughty children to consider using positive forms of discipline, because spanking is inefficient and what’s worse, it can be as harmful as physical abuse.
Elizabeth Gershoff of the University of Texas at Austin said some people spank because they were spanked - it’s passed down from generation to generation, Others may do it because their religious background suggests it’s okay.
Spank:動詞/名詞,打屁股。例句:The angry mother gave her son a good spanking. (生氣的母親痛打兒子的屁股。)
Undisciplined:形容詞,散漫的,無教養的。例句:Steve was talented, but lazy and undisciplined.(史蒂夫很有天份,但他既懶惰又不守紀律。)
detrimental:形容詞,有害的,不利的。例句:Lack of sleep is detrimental to one’s health.(缺乏睡眠有害健康。)
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