《中英對照讀新聞》 Poll:Americans prefer low prices to items ’Made in the USA’ 民調顯示「愛用國貨」不敵美國消費者縮水的荷包
◎ 茅毅
The vast majority of Americans say they prefer lower prices instead of paying a premium for items labeled "Made in the U.S.A.," even if it means those cheaper items are made abroad, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll.
While presidential candidates like Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are vowing to bring back millions of American jobs lost to China and other foreign competitors, public sentiment reflects core challenges confronting the U.S. economy. Incomes have barely improved, forcing many households to look for the most convenient bargains instead of goods made in America.
Asked about a real world example of choosing between $50 pants made in another country or an $85 pair made in the United States — one retailer sells two such pairs made with the same fabric and design — 67 percent say they’d buy the cheaper pair. Only 30 percent would pony up for the more expensive American-made one.
Americans are slightly more likely to say free trade agreements are positive for the economy overall than negative, 33 percent to 27 percent. But 37 percent say the deals make no difference. Republicans(35 percent)are more likely than Democrats(22 percent)to say free trade agreements are bad for the economy.
premium:名詞,高價、獎金(品)、津貼。例句:The concert ticket can be bought at a premium. (這場演唱會的門票能以高價購得。)
barely:副詞,幾乎沒有、僅僅、剛好。例句:My wages are barely enough to keep body and soul together.(我的薪水只能勉強溫飽。)
pony up:動詞片語,付錢。例句:Print subscribers will have to pony up if they want to read the magazine online.(雜誌的紙本訂戶須付費方能閱讀網路版。)
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