《中英對照讀新聞》Twice lucky:Michigan family welcomes second leap year daughter 好事成雙:密西根家庭喜迎第二位閏年千金
A southeast Michigan couple is twice lucky after the birth of their daughter on Feb. 29, the second time the mother has given birth to a baby girl on that day in a leap year.
Chad and Melissa Croff, from Columbus Michigan, welcomed Evelyn Joy into the world at 3:06 a.m., the Henry Ford Health System said in a statement. She arrived 10 days after her due date.
Weighing in at 6 pounds, 9 ounces, the little girl shares a birthday with older sister Eliana Adaya, who was born Feb. 29, 2012, the last time there was a leap year, the hospital system said.
"It’s a little surreal," Melissa Croff told Reuters in an interview. "It’s kind of winning the lottery ; the baby lottery." She added that labor was not induced. Neither drugs nor a Caesarian section delivery method were used.
The serendipitous timing doesn’t happen often. Guinness World Records lists five siblings born on the same day in the United States, Feb. 20, from 1952 to 1966, according to the hospital system. (Reuters)
leap:名詞,指跳躍、跳過的距離、激增;動詞,指躍過、立即著手、突然發生。例句:Don’t take a leap in the dark.(別貿然行動。)
induce:動詞,指引起、引誘、歸納。例句:The melody induces sleep.(這個旋律讓人想睡。)
serendipitous:形容詞,指偶然發現的、意外收穫的。例句:The serendipitous encounter with that girl changed his life.(和那個女孩的偶遇改變了他的生命。)
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