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《中英對照讀新聞》The sexless over-50s: One in four couples no longer make love but insist they couldn’t be happier. 50歲以上長者4分之1無性生活,但他們堅稱再快樂也不過了。

2016/02/16 06:00


A survey found that one in four couples never make love – but most still say they couldn’t be happier.A third of respondents said they made love at least once a week, with 2 per cent being intimate every day.


Trust, kindness, friendship and a sense of humour were all seen as more important in a relationship than sex, the survey of over-50s found.


Cari Rosen, editor of the website Gransnet which carried out the survey, said: ‘While passion is undoubtedly important for most people, it turns out that the glue in successful long-term relationships is compassion, kindness, generosity and friendship – which is advice that people of any age can use.’


The survey also found many single grandparents embraced internet dating, with 34 per cent of those who had found love after the age of 55 meeting their partner online.



Sexless:形容詞,無性的。 例句:Sexless relationships are a lot more common than you might think.(沒有性生活的伴侶關係,比你所想的還要常見。)

internet dating:名詞,網路約會。例句:People who’ve tried online dating admit it’s dangerous.(嘗試過網路交友的人,承認這很危險。)

respondents:名詞,受訪者。例句:A majority of respondents said they disagreed with the mayor’s plan. (多數受訪者表示,他們不同意市長的計畫。)

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