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《中英對照讀新聞》"Cash-machines for Jesus" a hit at California churches「給耶穌的提款機」在加州教會獲好評

2006/10/04 06:00


An enterprising preacher has found a better way of raising money for his church than passing around an old collection box.


He has installed electronic cash machines in his congregation’s three churches and has set up a private company to market the devices to other houses of worship."It’s truly like an ATM for Jesus," Pastor Marty Baker of Stevens Creek Community Church said.


He said he came up with the idea as traditional collections dropped because people were carrying smaller amounts of cash in a society where commerce is increasingly conducted with a swipe of a plastic card.


Unlike regular cash machines, the ATM’s for Jesus do not allow users to withdraw money. The specially designed "Giving Kiosks" just allow donors to make electronic donations, and gives them a receipt. Some donors place the receipt in the traditional collection plate to retain the old-time sense of giving.


This year Baker’s three churches are expected to raise between 200,000 and 240,000 dollars via the kiosks. His company has also installed them in seven other churches. "I’ll bet that caused a stir," he said.



be(make)a hit:很成功、博得好評。The new play is the hit of the season. 這齣新戲是本季最叫座的。

withdraw:指領錢,存錢為deposit。He deposited 5,000 dollars in the bank. 他在銀行存了5000元。

cause a stir:引起轟動。

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